Apperson Award

The Richard L. Apperson Award, named in honor of PCACAC's first president, is the association's highest honor presented to a PCACAC member.  It is awarded annually to a member whose career embodies the ideals of the association - providing extraordinary service to students, to PCACAC, and to the college counseling profession. 

2024 Apperson Award Winner: Jeff Smith

The Richard L. Apperson Award, named in honor of PCACAC's first president, is the association's highest honor presented to a PCACAC member. It is awarded annually to a member whose career embodies the ideals of the association - providing extraordinary service to students, to PCACAC, and to the college counseling profession.

This individual has dedicated almost 40 years to the admissions profession across multiple colleges. Small, large, public, private, community college, 4 year. He’s also served as PCACAC President; a friend and mentor to dozens of professionals, many are here in this room today.

Read the entire tribute to Jeff Smith, shared by Calvin Wise.

2023 Apperson Award Winner: Kathleen Martin 

"My earliest memory of this year’s Apperson Award recipient was a visit to a school counseling office when I was an admissions officer at the University of Delaware. That office had somewhat mismatched furniture (the sort that advertisements like to call “gently used” furniture and what a famous Victorian novel called “Shabby Genteel”). It was comprised mostly of comfy couches and chairs – and rugs that must have seemed very inviting to students who were more inclined to sit on the floor. It was unusually colorful and decorated by someone who had a keen eye for making things visually exciting. But what I mostly remember is how “warm” and “inviting” the place looked and felt. It was unlike any other administrative office I had ever seen. The counselor who greeted me was as warm and welcoming as the room. As the kids poured in, they were greeted by name and introduced to me one by one. They seemed to treat the room as a kind of second home. That impressed me.

Read the entire tribute to Kathleen Martin, shared by Lou Hirsh.

 2022 Apperson Award Winner: Anthony Ambrogi

When asked about his favorite part of the job – he once shared:

“I love puzzles and problem solving, and that defines a lot of the college search process. Each student I meet has their own puzzle to solve. Some are easier than others, some are familiar and others challenge me to expand my knowledge base. That’s the other fun part of the job – when you’re dealing with colleges and teenagers, there’s always something new and different to learn. It’s never dull, and just when you think you have a handle on it, some new wrinkle appears to keep you on your toes.”

From working at his High School alma mater, Benedictine, to serving as the Director of Admissions at Randolph-Macon College and now the Director of College Counseling at St. Catherine’s School, that “gig” he was just going to do for a couple years has turned out to be pretty great - especially for those of us that have gotten to know him along the way.

Anthony is calm, collected and cares about his students, colleagues and of course, his PCACAC family. He continues to find the time to make contributions and lend a helping hand to others.

Read the entire tribute to Anthony Ambrogi shared by Rebekah LaPlante, PCACAC Past President.

2021 Apperson Award Winner: Mildred Johnson

The diversity of her positions & her successes within the field of enrollment management are impressive. From Admissions Counselor at Averett University to Assistant Director of Academic Advising at University of North Carolina-Greensboro to Associate Vice Provost at Virginia Tech and lastly retired in July 2019 from her most recent role, Dean of Admissions at Radford University – This marked the end of an impressive 44-year career in higher education.

The relationships formed and the impact she had on all those she interacted with (present company included) is extensive - From students to admissions teams, from colleagues to relative strangers, Mildred Johnson seems to leave a lasting effect on people wherever she goes.

Read the entire tribute to Mildred Johnson shared by Rebekah LaPlante, Jake Talmage, and Robyn Lady.

Apperson Award Winners, 1973-present